A liquid complemetary feed containing essential vitamins and minerals.
A sweet-tasting vitamin and trace element solution containing essential nutrients for leisure and sport horses.
- Vitamins A, B6, B12, D & E
- For Leisure & Sport
- Essential minerals
Technical description:
Ingredients: Ingredients: Water, glucose, emulsifier, sweeteter, vitamin and trace element premixes, citric acid.
Koostumus: Vesi, glukoosi, emulgaattori, aromi, vitamiini- ja kivennäisesiseos, sitruunahappo.
Vitamin A, Vitamin D3, Vitamin E (tokopherol), Cu (sulfate), Co (sulfate), Se (selenite), Zn (zink chelate, glycinate), Fe (sulfate), Mg (acetate), Vitamin B1 (thiamine), Vitamin B2 (riboflavin), Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin), biotin Vitamins and trace elements from premixes /ravitsemukselliset lisäaineet:
per kg per 30ml:
A 500000 15152 ky.
D 75000 2273 ky.
E 15000 455 mg.
K 150 5 mg.
Cu (kuparisulfaatti) 1200 36 mg.
Co (kobolttisulfaatti) 16 0,48 mg.
Se (natriumseleniitti) 6 0,18 mg.
Zn (sinkki kelaatti.
glysinaatti) 4200 127 mg.
Fe (rautasulfaatti) 1300 39 mg.
B1 850 26 mg.
B2 350 11 mg.
B6 350 11 mg.
B12 1,4 0,04 mg.
biotin 17 1 mg.
Nutritional content / Ravintoaineiden pitoisuudet:
Dry matter / Kuiva-aine 20,64%.
crude protein / raakavalkuainen 0,67%.
Fat / Rasva 4,6%.
Crude fibre / Raakakuitu 0%.
Ash / Tuhka 2,21%.
Starch / Tärkkelys 0%.
Sugar / Sokerit 9,9%.
P 0,13g/kg.
Mg 5 g/kg.
Na 0,2 g/kg.
WARNING: Store in cool dry place, out of direct sunlight. Protect product from freezing. Keep out of reach of children.
Usage instructions:
Recommended dosage: 20-50 ml/day depending of the horses size, level of exercise and other feeding. Alternative doses should only be given at a veterinarian's directive.
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